On The Commons with Shu and Dave Russell 11.29.14

Hosted and produced by Shu Bartholomew, On The Commons is a weekly radio show dedicated to discussing the many issues surrounding mandatory homeowner associations, the fastest growing form of residential housing in the nation.
This Week’s Show
On The Commons
Have you ever wondered why we have so many horror stories in condominiums and homeowner associations?  How do we get from the concept of living in a community with neighbors, to penalizing them for having the temerity to annoy us? And if someone is bold enough to displease us in anyway, what on earth does one do?  Talk to the offending sot and explain why he or she is being so boorish and insensitive?  But wait, in a kontrolled kommunity there is a better way.  The computer to the rescue!
Turnaround is fair play, so this week we find out what it is like to be a condominium manager.
Dave Russell joins us On The Commons this week.  Dave is a resident owner and an onsite manager in a fairly large condominium complex in Arizona.  The advantage of not having to deal with rush hour traffic, road rage and traffic jams is offset by the fact that he never really leaves work.  But Dave is a cheerful chap who seems to take it all in stride.  Having the patience of Job and a sense of humor certainly help but what is particularly impressive is the way he handles some of the whacky people and the completely nutty issues he has to deal with.  Join us as we hear about some of the problems he has been asked to handle, they’ll make you smile, laugh and applaud that the problems are solved all without resorting to fines and attorneys and ultimately maintaining a sense of community in the Arizona desert.  And when you listen to Dave’s entertaining stories, bear in mind that some of these “neighbors” can end up on the board which might explain why we have so many horror stories.
On The Commons is broadcast every Saturday from 2-3 PM ET on Radio Fairfax. In the Northern Virginia area, On The Commons can be heard on Cox Cable, Channel 37 and Verizon Channel 37. On Comcast channel 27 in Reston in addition to several more cable channels all across Northern Virginia. To listen LIVE globally on the internet, go to Radio Fairfax and click on “Stream Radio Fairfax” and if you are on the go, on your mobile devices, Radio Fairfax MobileThe show will be available on On the Commons shortly afterwards. Please also visit our archives at On the Commons.Leaving the American Zone
Shu Bartholomew
Host and producer

On The Commons is produced by OTC Multimedia Productions

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