Reno Gazette-Journal: Letter: HOA policy encourages wasting needed water
October 21, 2014
By Joe Bower
Reno – I read how surprised Somersett owner, councilwoman and director of Truckee Meadows Water Authority Neoma Jardon was after discovering a leaking toilet in her home was the cause of an enormous amount of water being wasted.
One can only wonder how surprised she would be to learn that some 2,000 fellow members in her homeowners association are being forced to waste a colossal amount of water because they must choose grass (lot of water required) or fire-hazard juniper (less water required) for their curbside mow strips. Many would like to install only decorative rock with maybe a boulder or two instead (no water required). Yes, mandated mow strip trees would remain (on drip). Read more: