State legislation would make it easier to access meeting records

Proposed bill would help homeowners in gated communities
State legislation would make it easier to access meeting records

By Beth Brelje – February 02, 2013

More than half — 64 percent — of homes in Pike County are inside private homeowner association developments, according to county and U.S. Census data. Except for the fact that there are no grocery stores or gas stations inside, these developments are like cloistered little towns, each with its own personality and elected boards of directors. Anyone owning land inside one of thee communities pays an annual fee, similar to a tax. A board is elected to determine how much to charge in fees, and how the collected fees will be spent. Boards choose whether to spend the money on road maintenance, recreational amenities, such as pools and tennis courts, security or other services. Jar your car on an epic pothole in a community and you may assume the board is not focusing on roads. To know for sure, if you are a member of the association, you could go to the office and ask for records detailing how long it has been since Moon Crater Lane has been paved.

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