CAI finally admits to being a business trade tax-exempt organization.
Community Associations Institute (CAI) is a national nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization founded in 1973 to foster competent, responsive community associations through research, training and education. […] We work to identify and meet the evolving needs of the professionals and volunteers who serve associations, by being a trusted forum for the collaborative exchange of knowledge and information, and by helping our members learn, achieve and excel.[1]
In my 17 years as a HOA reform activist this is a landmark first! This is a personal achievement. There was very little support from other reform advocates and homeowners regarding misrepresentation by CAI.[2] As a result of my repeated criticisms and exposes, CAI had to apparently fess up.
Over its 44 years in existence CAI has mislead its viewers, members, the public and legislators as to its legal tax-exempt status. It news releases, websites, Common Ground magazine, communications with state and federal elected officials, and court filings that refer to representing homeowners and HOAs.[3] CAI is not allowed to have HOAs as members![4] Example, CAI’s current web page reads,
CAI provides information, education and resources to the homeowner volunteers who govern communities and the professionals who support them. CAI members include association board members and other homeowner leaders, community managers, association management firms and other professionals who provide products and services to associations.
CAI serves community associations and homeowners . .
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